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What is an Integration?

  1. Integrations are the data source connections, SaaS applications and systems from where you want to fetch the data and push it to StatStr.
  2. You need to connect your data source integration with StatStr from our available integrations list.
  3. We have pre-built integrations where you simply need to add mandatory parameters for your data source integration to sync data in StatStr within few minutes.

How to create an integration?

  1. Login to your StatStr account.
  2. Click on Integrations from top right side and go to the Integrations tab.
  3. Click on Add button for the integration that you want to onboard.
  4. Fill in the mandatory parameters under the integration Config form and click the submit button.

    Create an Integration
  • Voila! Now you can start creating your dashboards by adding our pre-baked widgets