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Benefits of tracking GitHub metrics

  • Our out-of-the-box widgets help you to track your Dev team's activities.
  • The Dev managers and stakeholders have a clear visibility of their Dev team.
  • You can consider StatStr as a single source of truth for all actions taken on the repos, issues, commits.

How to onboard GitHub Integration?

  1. Go inside your workspace.
  2. Click on the Integrations from top right side and go to the Integrations tab.
  3. Click on Add button for the integration that you want to onboard.
  4. Fill in the mandatory parameters under the integration Config form.
  5. Enter the name of your GitHub organization. This is used to access and manage organization-level resources and repositories.
  6. You can find your GitHub organization name here
  7. You need to create New fine-grained personal access token
  8. Please follow the steps to generate the Fine-grained personal access token

    GitHub Integration

For Organization admins you can select your Org name under Resource owner dropdown field and then you will get an additional option to select specific repos in your org account. Please refer to the below screenshot.

GitHub Access Token

  1. Please add the Repo /Org Permissions access scope. We only need Read-only access permissions to connect and fetch your GitHub data.
  2. Click the Submit button once you fill in all the required fields. You will get a success message once your data source credentials are verified.
  3. Note: It will take few minutes to sync your data into our platform.
  4. Now click on the Dashboards from the top bar. Toggle the Edit button and start adding the widgets from our widget library.
  5. Once all the required widgets are added, click on the Save button and exit the Edit mode.
  • Voila! You are done! Now visualize your Dev team member's GitHub activities under a single dashboard.

    GitHub Widgets